Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Help Abby Walk Again!

I do not do this lightly, or often, but I want to share with you a need. You can find this campaign on the youcaring website. Here's the story:
The Story
A couple weeks ago I woke up and I couldn't feel or move my legs. Most of you who know me know I'm no stranger to back problems and already have one surgery under my belt, but it has been 12 years with no problems that anyone would deem significant.
Fast forward two weeks, a couple ER and doctors visits, and I find out I have bilateral sciatica. Typically sciatica affects one leg, causing intense shooting pain to go from the buttocks area down to the foot. Rarely does it affect both legs, but it seems I won the nerve damage lottery. Because of this I have been bed/recliner ridden for over two weeks now, I cannot drive because of the constant spasms, I can barely wobble from the recliner to the bathroom and as my condition deteriorates I don't know what I will do about that particular problem.
Unfortunately this couldn't have happened at a worse time. I left my old job and moved out of state, losing my insurance in the process. The state of North Carolina does not have "obamacare"/medicaid for low income people, so getting help from that is also out of reach. The doctors have suggested I apply for short term disability in order to get the surgery I need that will hopefully fix this issue. So that is what I'm doing, but in the meantime I need to find a primary doctor who will see me over the next few months and write prescriptions for me out of pocket until the disability has been approved. I'm hoping some of my relatives and close friends will help make that possible as I have no resources to my name. 
I just want to say thank you in advance , not just to the people helping me financially but the ones who have been here with me helping me get through this emotionally as well.
Abby had an MRI Saturday, and the MRI report shows several bulging discs in the Lumbar and Thorasic spine. It also shows a major herniation in the Lumber spine. The report also shows multiple other issues contributing to Abby's crippling pain and disability. It appears that, ultimately, she will need surgery for the herniation.

If you can, please consider giving to her campaign.

Thank you!