Thursday, April 7, 2016

Kamala Harris: The Camel Toe of Pro-Abortion Bias



I realize that making fun of people because of their names is a low blow.

And, so, yes, this is a low blow.

Kamala Harris is the Attorney General of California. She wants to be the junior United States Senator from California. In fact, she's currently a candidate for that office. Here's her website.

If you explore her candidate website, you will discover that she uses the page to solicit support for Planned Parenthood. Here's a screen capture for the solicitation page:

I've left the web address bar in the screen capture so there can be no dispute over what Ms. Harris has done. 

Now, lots of people support Planned Parenthood. Why does it matter if Kamala does too?

Because Kamala is the Chief Law Enforcement Officer for the State of California. She is the Attorney General. And, as head of California's law enforcement mechanism, she has used her office to target the Center for Medical Progress and its director, David Daleiden. This week, on the strength of a search warrant obtained by the California Attorney General, police searched Daleiden's home and seized videotape recordings. Presumably, these are the recordings from which ten months of embarrassment and shame have been generated by the Center for Medical Progress to the great discomfort of Planned Parenthood.

Now, as to the Camel Toe of bias.

Some things are obvious. Way more obvious than is typically expected. One such form of obvious display has the charming moniker, "camel toe." If you don't know the phrase or its meaning, you can find it with ease on the interwebs. It suffices to say that, in a more genteel time, a more modest soul would not put on public display that which is made overly obvious in the "camel toe."

Then there is Kamala's "Camel Toe" of bias.

A government officer, the Chief Law Enforcement Officer, is expected to conduct themselves in a manner that puts out of any question the possibility of bias.

That isn't Jim's rule.

Here, for example, is what the California Courts have said on the topic:

"Held to a standard higher than that imposed on other attorneys . . . ." 
"[T]he prosecutor represents 'a sovereignty whose obligation to govern impartially is as compelling as its obligation to govern at all . . . ."
The danger that flows from bias in the exercise of the prosecutorial function is that justice will always be doubted when it is delivered via biased officers.

For this reason, for a long time, the American Bar Association has set the bar for prosecutorial discretionary decision-making at a high level:

The ABA Standards for Criminal Justice counsel against prosecutorial discretion being exercised in service of impermissible, invidiously discriminatory biases.

In the case of Kamala's Camel Toe of Prosecutorial Bias, here is a candidate for elective office who is soliciting support on her candidate website for an organization, Planned Parenthood, whose practices of disposing of aborted human baby parts has caused much of the nation to recoil in horror and several States to discontinue funding of the organization for any purpose. Clearly, Kamala is biased for Planned Parenthood. There is no other reasonable interpretation of the use of her campaign website to solicit support for the organization.

There's more than just the solicitation of support for Planned Parenthood.

There's the cash.
Harris has received "received $15,000 from five Planned Parenthood-affiliated PACS in 2014, according to[,]" according to a news report by LifeSiteNews. You can read that report and the linked supporting documentation here.

Thus the Camel Toe of Bias, no single lobed dingle berry to stain the prosecution of Daleiden. Here the first lobe, public solicitations of support for Planned Parenthood on the candidate website of the Attorney General, lies in close proximity to the second lobe, oodles of cash lining the candidate coffer for Kamala.

Kamala ought to consider withdrawing from any prosecution of Daleiden. In fact, under typical rules of ethics, because Kamala's judgment is fairly criticized as biased, both Harris and her office should recuse themselves from further involvement in any investigation of Daleiden, or for that matter, of the actual wrong-doer, Planned Parenthood.

Instead, as is so often the case with the unwelcome and intruding Camel's nose, we are just going to be treated to the ongoing display of Kamala's Camel Toe of Bias.