Thursday, July 2, 2015

Secret Clinton Emails We Know They Won't Let Us See


TO:          H. Abedin
FROM:    SoS Clinton
DATE:     01/22/2013 09:09.30


SB emailed earlier.

He has some talking points that he thought might be helpful and wanted to send them to me. I suggested a courier, but he said screening would take forever. He thinks immediacy is real.

He suggested that he could FRACK the documents to me.

I am not sure about our current policy on FRACKING. I know that our allies in the progressive community are opposed. Please clear this question so that I can respond.


TO:          SoS Clinton
FROM:    H. Abedin
DATE:     01/22/2013 09:12.30

Madame Secretary

Doesn't that title just rock?  :-)  :-)

I wonder if SB might have been meaning to ask about FAXING a document?

FRACKING (that's shorthand for hydraulic fracturing) is an oil/gas extraction process that uses high pressure liquids to create fractures in oil and gas beds. Those fractures then allow more complete extraction of oil and natural gas.

Just a reminder, G. Soros has told BO that we LIKE natural gas and that we DON'T LIKE oil. So when it comes to FRACKING, our administration's position is that we are for it, except when we are against it.

In any event, is it possible that SB was asking about FAXING documents, not FRACKING them?


TO:          H. Abedin
FROM:    SoS Clinton
DATE:     01/22/2013 09:16.25


Well, Madame Secretary strikes me as terribly demeaning. First of all, I don't run a brothel. And second of all, I'll be damned if I'm anybody's typist!

It is almost as bad as when I used to be referred to as the First Lady. Heaven knows I wasn't his first lady, and Monica knows I wasn't his last. Why they couldn't just admit my role in things and call me co-President is beyond me.

These idiot glasses are not really helping. But I took another look at SB's email, and, you know, he was asking about FAXING documents.

Do we have the ability to do that?

PS To clarify, the FRACKING we support produces natural gas? And the one we are against is oil? Do they actually work differently? Or is this really just about limiting domestic production of oil so that we can continue our dependent connection with Saudi Arabia and Venezuela?


TO:          SoS Clinton
FROM:    H. Abedin
DATE:     01/22/2013 09:22.30

Maybe I could just start calling you POTUS45?

We do have the ability to receive FAXES and to send them too!

Your private fax number is (202) 666-6969. If you are okay with SB having that FAX number, he can send things through to your Administrative Assistant. Just remember, he loves the sound of his own voice and the sight of his own words. He may send more documents than our friends in the Old Growth Forest Community will tolerate!

On fracking, just to clarify, fracking has been around for a very LONG time. The first experiment involving fracking was conducted more than SIX DECADES ago, in 1947. Our friends in the environmental community would never be happy to know that all evidence indicates that current methods of FRACKING are considered environmentally safe. I hadn't given thought to that fact until you pointed it out, but yes, I think the main reason we support natural gas FRACKING and oppose oil FRACKING is because of the global dangers of an energy-independent USA.


TO:          H. Abedin
FROM:    SoS Clinton
DATE:     01/22/2013 09:25.15


1. I think you may simply refer to me as 45.

2. When you refer to the extended history and long-time existence of FRACKING, and how a process first tested in 1947 has been around A LONG TIME, I believe you are forgetting that I was BORN IN 1947. That means that I have been around "a very LONG time" and that I was born "more than SIX DECADES ago"!!!!

3. Bring me some ice tea.